Thursday, December 21, 2017

Another rant

The thing that pisses me off most about having an EEG done is that glue the technician puts on your scalp to stick the electrodes on! When I had an EEG done this morning, it took me 3 times to shampoo my hair to get that fucking glue out! I swear, next time the doctor orders an EEG procedure to be done, I'm going to get a really short haircut a day or two in advance just so that glue won't be as difficult to come off when I shampoo my hair! 

Okay, I'm done. 

Friday, December 8, 2017


Being denied dental treatment because of your epilepsy

I was diagnosed by a dentist today with 2 small cavities on my two front teeth...possibly from an old filling. Unfortunately, however, because of my epilepsy they won't give me treatment. I would have to be 6 months seizure free before they can fix the cavities and clean my teeth. I was really angry, but didn't show it.
Shit man! I'm lucky if I can even pass 2 months without having a seizure! So in the meantime, I'm stuck with small cavities and possibly never being able to get any dental treatment.
I thought ALL people had the right to get dental treatment...even those with chronic disabilities!!!
I wonder if anybody else with epilepsy has ever had this issue. And if they ever have gone 6 months without having a seizure, I'd love to know what their secrets are.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Normally I try my hardest not to rant, but this time, I just couldn't help it and I'll tell you why right now.
Today I came across a photo on Facebook that stated, "What's one thing you love about having epilepsy?"
I kid you not!
I really don't think I ever squirmed so much a day in my life after I had read that question on the photo!
What is there to love about having epilepsy???

Honestly, here's how I truly feel about having epilepsy....

Missing out on events I want to attend, but can't go to alone?
That's how I feel about it!

Having cuts, bruises, and sprains as the result of having a seizure?
That's how I feel about it!

Not being able to hold a job I truly loved as the result of having seizures?
That's how I feel about it!

Losing count of how many times I've been scared I might die from having a seizure?
Now that's how I DEFINITELY feel about it!

So basically, what I do NOT love about having epilepsy is every fucking thing that happens as a result of it!!!

OK, I'm done ranting now.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

4 stages of a seizure

I found a photo on a Facebook called "4 stages of a seizure." Remember: Every person is different, so not every person will experience these. However, they are common.

Stage 1: Prodromal phase
It usually can occur from hours to even days before the seizure occurs. Signs consist of insomnia, unexpected and unusual grouchiness, severe headaches, and depression.

Stage 2: Aura
Typically the start of a seizure. Signs consist of nausea, migraines, sour tastes or smells, and feeling a sense of doom.

Stage 3: Ictus
The seizure itself. They range from grand mal to petit mal.
Common signs include jerking movements, loss of conscious, blank look on the person's face, falling to the floor, stiffening of muscles, convulsions, labored breathing, and/or an inability to respond to those around them.

Stage 4: Post-ictical
The phase that follows a seizure. It ranges from being very brief or lasting for several days. There might be severe tiredness, irritability, vomiting, fevers, migraines, confusion, balance problems, and/or changes in speech and behavior.